Gatsby did not throw a party for the first time in a long time.
Gatsby fired and replaced all of his servants so that way their would be no gossip.
Daisy comes to his house a lot now.
Tom wants to go to town.
Tom thinks that Nick and Jordan think he is dumb.
Wilson wants a car so he can move to the west with his wife.
Tom gave his car to Wilson for free.
He did this because he knows what it is like to loose some one.
The heat symbolizes the rising tension that is happening between all of the characters.
Trimalchio threw big parties.
It is Tom's birthday.
Myrtle was hit by a car and was killed.
A Negro citizen said that he saw a yellow car hit her.
Daisy was driving the car.
Gatsby said that he will take the blame for it if he has to.
Nick told Gatsby to leave town.
Gatsby felt married to Gatsby.
Wilson's body was found in the grass.
The holocaust was complete.
This may have been a plan by Gatsby to get Daisy somehow.