Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Spring Literature Analysis #1

Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen

1.In the beginning Brian is still in the woods and winter is coming fast. He has to learn how to adapt and when winter comes he has his hut made already. He discovers that the rats have a under ground city and he uses that to find his food. Towards the middle he finds moose tracks and kills it and that is his main supply of food for the Winter. He then hears something strange for a couple of days and when he goes to investigate he discovers that it is a family and they had been living there all along without him knowing it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Peeved Pedestrian

Ray Brandbury wrote the novel that I am reading to show how we are being controlled by other people and taught to do things in different ways. One literary element is allusion. Allusion is used a lot in this book and an example is when he looks at the grille. This is why we are being taught to do certain things because anything can be in there and we are told that nothing is in vents.

Spring Vocab #1

His probaskis was huge.

2.Pantomime-Using gestures, not speech.
He pantomimed his poem in from of the class.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm a Poet and I Know It

This version of the poem is going to be buy Guy Montag. So far he thinks that he is all that because he is a fireman and he is not sure of himself now.

When my day begins I put a smile on my face 
and I want it to be midday.
So I can do what I do best and play baseball
and let everything go away.

I have been playing baseball for ten years
If I can remember 
baseball is apart of me 
and I will keep it forever.

While I am doing work
I am with my friends 
we all do the same thing to 
make sure we win again.

When my practice is over 
it does not stop their on the diamond 
I work day and night 
to do my job like a lion.

When I go to sleep
I want it to be midday
so I can go back to what I do best
which is become better everyday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm a poet and I know it.

I can't remember my poem word for word because we turned it in in class so I will try my best to get it as close as I can.

When I wake up I go to school
and can't wait for it to be mid day.
So that way I can play baseball
I would play it everyday.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fahrenheit 451

1.That books are not allowed.
2. The books found are burned on the spot along with the house that has them.
3. That television destroys reading literature.
4. Some of the characters have books and hide it from others.
5. Montag has a book and must get rid of it in 24 hours or his house will be burned.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Theme For English B 3

Yes,  I do think that I am the person my teacher expects me to be unlike the person in the story because I do my work and will do it to the best that I can. 
Yes, I can be myself when I pursue knowledge in the world.
Some elements that I have to check when I get to school is that I need to focus and not mes around.
I feel to keep family business and personal things private.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


My plan is to go to a nice college and to just do well in life and be successful. The goal that I am choosing is to become a mechanic.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spring Post1 Music as Literature

1. Yes, we can consider music to be literature because music is telling a story and has a message in every song. 
2. The internet define literature as written work. In class we said that it was having people coming together to share things.
3. The difference between a novel, song, poem, and rap is not that different from one another. A novel is a long book and a song is another way of telling a story. A poem also tells a story and so does rap. They all share the same thing.