Sunday, May 5, 2013

Notes Chapters 8-10 Slaughter House 5

Howard Cambell Jr
     Was a American and became a Nazi.
     Recruits me for the Germans "The Free American Corps."
     Has his own style of uniform.
     Said that Red is for the American Patriots who lost their lives in the past.
     A writer.
     Billy met him in 1964.
     Doesn't care about other people.
     Is driven by Billy to deliver a paper route. 
     Puts everything about him in his books he writes.
February 13 1945 Dresdon is destroyed.

     Billy's wife.
     She got in a car crash on her way to the hospital and died from Carbon Dioxide.
Starts to talk about the Atomic Bomb and how it was used in WWII.
     Woke up in the hospital and didn't know what was going on.
     Missed his wives funeral because he was still to sick.
     Told Billy to enjoy his happy experiences and to ignore the bad ones.
     Cried about the trasportation.
     Had his daughter take him home.
    Snuck out and went to New York City.
     "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference.

    See Charles Darwin as the most important human being.
Corps Mines in Dresdon.
     Discovered that the door was open and the war was over.
     The transporttion was the carrage and horses that he cried for.
     A bird was singing "Poo-tee-weet."
          This is what the narrator said his next book was going to end.