Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Spring Literature Analysis #1

Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen

1.In the beginning Brian is still in the woods and winter is coming fast. He has to learn how to adapt and when winter comes he has his hut made already. He discovers that the rats have a under ground city and he uses that to find his food. Towards the middle he finds moose tracks and kills it and that is his main supply of food for the Winter. He then hears something strange for a couple of days and when he goes to investigate he discovers that it is a family and they had been living there all along without him knowing it.

2.The theme is that Brian must survive on his own in the winter with no one to help him.
3.The author wants us to feel sorry and proud of Brian. One example is that he is in the freezing cold and has to build everything from scratch. An example to make us feel proud is when he kills the moose. Another example is when he meets the family. It makes us feel proud of Brian because he survived the Winter and found someone.
4.Direct characterization is when Brian see's the leaves begin to fall off. This shows that Winter is right around the corner. Page 21
When it says there are stacks of meet and he will have to make camp here because he can't move it all is an example of Imagery. Page 53
When Brian begins to run out of food and see's the moose. This is an example of an allusion because the author is trying to tell us that Brian will kill the moose to have food. Page 43
 Direct characterization is when the man tells Brian to come inside. This helped me because he is not alone and survived on his own. Page 130
Brian added wood to the fire. The fire represents light and a place to stay warm. This is symbolism. Page 78
1.One example of direct characterization is when Brian  gathered more wood before going to sleep. This lets me know that he needs fire to survive. Page 98
Direct characterization is when he heers the sounds and discovers that there have been people there all along. Page 130
Indirect Characterization is when Brian Sees his Hatchet. This lets me no that he is going to use it to start a fire. Page 25.
2.No, the authors syntax and diction does not change because Brian is the only character in the book until the end and it focuses on one action which is how Brain survives.
3.Brian is a static character because he is by himself and has to do things in certain ways to survive.
he is also round because I feel like he could be an average person in the woods who knows what to do in the situation.
4.After reading the book I didn't feel like I came away knowing Brian because I can't see myslef being like him even in that situation.

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