Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meaning, Signs, and Symbols Part 1 Notes

Biologists state that humans are very similar to animals.
      Animal Behavior-Reaction to the natural conditions in the environment.
      Humans survive not just from physical stregnth, but also how we think.
Meaning-The experience of mentally connecting one thing with another thing.
      Baby born-When the baby recieves milk it feals pleasure.
      Sight of the mother's breasts means food.

Sign-Person's environment to which he/she is paying attention.
      Think of something that is an addition to itslef.
      Natural Sign
            Dark Clouds--Rain is coming
            Wet sidewalk in the morning--It rained last night.
Triangle of meaning
      The triangle of meaning consist of three things
            Thought, Sign, and Reference
Meaning-The experince that occurs when an interpreter obseves something in the world and connects it.
A theory of Interpretation
      Interpret things that you have seen.
            Ex.You see a unique thing in the sky when you look up. You are not able to interpert it, it will just be an object.
            Ex. You see a cloud in the sku for the first time. The could is just a shape. Later you learn or interpret the clouds. Black clouds in the sky mean rain.
Three "Secondary Principles"
       Play a role in ou interpretaton of an object.
       Repitition-The more you see something the bigger chance you will see the sign of it.

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