Monday, September 24, 2012

Vocab #6

Adroit-Clever or skillful
The student is very adroit in his thinking.

Amicable-Having a spirit of friendliness

The new child was very amicable.

Averse-Strong dislike
I have an averse for people who don't give me respect.

Belligerent-Hostile or aggressive
The robbers were very belligerent and threatened everyone.

My teacher is very benevolent with the kids.

Cursory-Not thorough or detailed
The artist was not very cursory with his work.

Duplicity-Deceitfulness in speech
Most of the persuasive speakers have duplicity.

Extol-To praise enthusiastically
The dog deserved extol when she listened to her master.

Feasible-To do easy\
Math is very feasible to some people.

Grimace-A twisted expression on someones face
 You could tell that the child was confused do to his grimace.

Holocaust-The mass murder of Jews
The holocaust is one of the worst things to have happened in our time.

Impervious-Not allowing
My powers are impervious to his witchcraft.

Impetus-The force of energy
The impetus was less than we expected.

Jeopardy-Danger or loss
We are in jeopardy of losing this war captain.

Meticulous-Showing great attention or detail
The art teacher is very meticulous with his work.

Nostalgia-Sentimental longing for the past
Some people dream about nostalgia.

Quintessence-The most perfect or typical example.
The professor always give quintessence.

Retrogress-To go back to an earlier state
In history we learn about retrogress.

Scrutinize-Examine or express closely
Make sure scrutinize his work.

Tepid-Showing little enthusiasm
She is always tepid with everything.

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