Plot-The plot in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow takes place in Tarry Town. In the town there is a school teacher named Ichabod Crane who is known by everyone in the town. He is very strict in school with his students but is a gentlemen with the ladies and like to spend time with them after school. Ichabod Crane has only one competitor in the town and his name is Brom Bones. While at a party crane had some drinks and danced and then went for a ride on his horse Gun Powder. On there ride they heard a noise near the river and it was just a boy. After that they saw a figure in the trees and went to go see what it was. Ounce Crane realized it was the Headless Horseman he started to go in the other direction and was being chased by him. The next day Crane did not show up to teach and everyone was surprised. They searched for his body and only found the horses saddle.
Questions-1.Who is Brom Bones?
2. What is his affect on Crane?
3. What did the students think when the schoolmaster missed class?
4. What is the theme of the story?
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