Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vocabulary #3

1.Encomium-Writing that praises someone or something highly
The essay was vary encomium on the young man.

2.Coherent- Logical and consistent

They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.

3.Belabor-Argue in detail
Critics thought that they belabored the obvious.

4.Eschew-To avoid using

He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence.

5.Acquisitive-Interested in Acquiring money.

The man was so acquisitive that he stole it from his friends


Lesser men are trying to emulate his greatness. 

7.Arrogate-To take or to claim
Come and arrogate your prize.

8.Banal-Lacking originality or boring.

The song was so banal, it just repeated words.

9.Excoriation-An area were the skin is worn off.

The man's skin was excoriated.

10.Congeal-To solidify by cooling

The blood had congealed into blogs.

11.Carping-Difficult to please
She has always been very carping her whole life.

12.Substantiate-Provide evidence to support or to prove the truth of

The found nothing to substantiate the allegations.

13.Temporize-committing oneself in order to gain time

The opportunity was missed because the mayor still temporized.

14.Largesse-Generosity in bestowing money or gifts

He was dispensing his money with such largesse.

15.Tenable-Able to be defended against and attack

The military is tenable because of all the new equipment that has been made.

16.Insatiable-Impossible to satisfy

The girl is insatiable, good look trying to keep her interested.

17.Reconnaissance-Military observations used to locate the enemy.

The military made the perfect jet for reconnaissance.

18.Germane-Relevant to to a subject under consideration

That is not germane to our theme.

19.Ramify-Spread or branched out

An elaborate system of canals was built, ramifying throughout Britain.

20.Intransigent-Refusing to change ones view or to agree about something

Dictators intransigent because they want all the power.

21.Taciturn-Saying little
The child is shy and taciturn.


It seams invidious to make special mention of one aspect of his work.

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